ETC Solar Water Haeter

We offer you evacuated tube collector solar water heater, ideal for home applications. ETC is most efficient and latest solar thermal tech. The heater consists of an Evacuated tube collector, insulated hot water storage tank, mounting stand and associated piping. The glass evacuated tubes are the most important component of the heater. Infrared rays from sun are absorbed by outer glass tubes to heat the water in vacuum tubes. Due to the difference in specific gravity between hot and cold water, water flow takes place in the tube and this will rise the temperature of watwe in storage tank.

Benefits of using ETC solar water heater:

  • No electric power usage.
  • Maintenance free & Economical.
  • 24x7 hot water facility.
  • Payback period around 3 years in comparison with electricity & Gas.
  • Eco friendly as well as cost saving.

Installation Layout:

For Overhead tank filling,

For Motor filling,paraller/Underfround tank, bottom drain system, 100% hot


  • “Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis eligendi quo minus quod maxime placeat facere.”
    James Coloway,
  • “Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis eligendi quo minus quod maxime placeat facere.”
    James Coloway,
  • “Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis eligendi quo minus quod maxime placeat facere.”
    James Coloway,
  • “Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis eligendi quo minus quod maxime placeat facere.”
    James Coloway,
  • “Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis eligendi quo minus quod maxime placeat facere.”
    James Coloway,